Voice Over Recording - Pre and Post Production Audio Services

We are your Voiceover experts, providing professional voice recording & production services. Our goal is to deliver cost-effective solutions where you need to record a voice to convey your brand message.
JL Studios offer a great selection of voice services able to fulfill your audio project requirements. Specializing in voice-over for television, radio commercials, corporate video narration, documentary, internet & multimedia applications, audiobooks, industrials & promos, podcasts, and IVR's.
Recorded speech needs to be very present, which starts with the acoustics of our "treated" isolation booth offering excellent sight lines to the control room. State-of-the-art Neumann microphone and good technical knowledge of how to record a voice over cleanly ensure high-quality recording results. Our fully-developed sense of how to communicate with the voice actor and client deliver a seamless transition to your voiceover needs.
We also provide a Voice-Over Talent roster of professional Non-Union voice actors located here in Toronto and the U.S. Our Voice-Over Talent is available to deliver your most specific voice over requirements, for any audio application.
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