Client Satisfaction

Dear Valued Client:

As the president of JL Recording Studios, I want to thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you. Please help us serve you better by taking a couple of minutes to tell us about the service that you have received so far. We appreciate your business and want to make sure we meet your expectations.

Jeffrey Leclair
JL Recording Studios

How did you hear about JL Recording Studios?
 Other Search Engine
 Word of Mouth

Overall, how would you rate JL Recording Studios?
 Not Sure

How satisfied are you with your service from JL Recording Studios?
 Extremely satisfied
 Very satisfied
 Very dissatisfied
 Extremely dissatisfied

Would you recommend JL Recording Studios to a friend?
 Yes  No  Not Sure

If no, why not?

For your NEXT project, how likely are you to use services from JL Recording Studios?
 Definitely would
 Probably would
 Might or might not
 Probably would not
 Definitely would not
 Not Sure

Which of the following services did you use at JL Recording Studios?
 Music Production
Voice Over Recording
Voice Demo Package
Voice Script Library
Multimedia Recording
Audio / Voice Editing
Media Archival

Write your own testimonial! Tell us how we did! With your permission it will appear at our JL Recording Studios testimonials page.
Your Testimonial

Your Company Name

Your Personal Signature